Apple Mash Smoked Turkey - Enjoyed a wonderful delicious Thanksgiving dinner consisting of turkey, ham, with all the trimmings yesterday with our youngest Son's family and our Daughter-in-law's family. It's an annual tradition that works out for everyone since our Son only lives about 2 miles away from us. It can get plain too crazy on the road these days on holiday weekends!
I always take advantage of the turkey sales around the holidays in order to stock my freezer with a half dozen turkeys in the 14 lb range. We enjoy a smoked turkey every couple of months with all the trimmings but the best part is the variety of delicious leftovers and casserole recipes that we feast and graze on for days - Turkey recipes such as Tetrazzini, Pot Pies, Enchiladas, a la King, Shepherd's Pie, and a slew of different soups.
Turkeys, like all poultry, are virtual sponges when it comes to absorbing different flavors of smoke such as CookinPellets.com 100% Hickory, Premium Perfect Mix (100% Hickory, Cherry, Hard Maple, Apple), Apple Mash, Black Cherry, and/or Sweet Maple Pellets.
Safely defrost your turkey in the refrigerator for 3 to 5 days depending on the size of the gobbler. Remove giblet bag(s), neck bones, and trim all access skin & fat. Pat down the turkey with paper towels. Loosen the breast skin and thigh skin in order to rub roasted garlic under and on the skin. Season the turkey on and under the skin with Jan's Dry Rub ( page 168 of my cookbook, The Wood Pellet Smoker and Grill Cookbook ).
Preheat your wood pellet smoker-grill to 230ºF with your favorite poultry wood pellets. For this cook I wisely chose CookinPellets Apple Mash Pellets and my MAK 2 Star. Smoked the 14 lb seasoned turkey for 3 hours at 230ºF before bumping the pit temperature to 330ºF. Finish cooking the turkey until the internal temperature of the turkey at the thickest portion of the breast reaches 170ºF. Rest the turkey under a foil tent for 20 minutes before carving.
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