Instant Pot Smoked Turkey Vegetable Soup
Instant Pot Smoked Turkey Vegetable Soup - Waste not ... want not! Learned a long time ago that a Turkey provides a multitude of appetizing leftover options. When I smoke a turkey it provides us with a certain amount of grazing options, casseroles like turkey tetrazzini, ingredient in a chef's salad, turkey à la king, and of course soups. But what about a smoked turkey vegetable soup? I'm here to tell you that a smoked turkey carcass will add a wonderful zing to your broth.
After carving a 14 lb smoked turkey I covered the carcass with water, added some garlic, black pepper, and chicken bouillon. Boiled the carcass over a medium-high heat for a little more than 30 minutes. Used a colander to strain to broth and picked the rest of the turkey from the carcass. The smoked turkey broth (about 4 cups) was simply savory and distinctive.
Combined the smoked turkey stock, cabbage, stewed tomatoes, red onions, diced potatoes, celery, asparagus, mushrooms, frozen peas, garlic, salt, pepper, and a bit of pulled leftover turkey in my Instant Pot. Pressure cooked on high for 4 minutes ... Enjoy!!
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